Here is a simple Linked List Data structure in C Sharp.NET. A LinkedList will always have two class a LinkedList class and a Node Class.
I have also included most common options to insert and Delete nodes.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace Algorithms
public class LinkedList
private Node head;
public LinkedList()
head = null;
public void Insert(int dataValue)
if (head == null)
Node nodeInsert = new Node(dataValue);
head = nodeInsert;
nodeInsert.NextNode = null;
Node nodeInsert = new Node(dataValue);
nodeInsert.NextNode = head;
head = nodeInsert;
public void InsertAtPosition(Node insertNode, int i)
if (i == 0)
insertNode.NextNode = head;
head = insertNode;
Node currentNode = head;
Node currentNodeNext = head.NextNode;
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
currentNode = currentNode.NextNode;
currentNodeNext = currentNode.NextNode;
if (currentNode != null)
currentNode.NextNode = insertNode;
insertNode.NextNode = currentNodeNext;
public void DeleteAtPosition(int i)
if (i == 0)
head = null;
Node currentNode = head;
Node currentNodeNext = head.NextNode;
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
currentNode = currentNode.NextNode;
currentNodeNext = currentNode.NextNode;
if (currentNode != null)
currentNode.NextNode = currentNodeNext.NextNode;
public bool Delete(Node nodeToDelete)
bool returnFlag = false;
if (head == null)
returnFlag = false;
else if (head.Equals(nodeToDelete))
head = null;
returnFlag = true;
Node checkNode = head;
Node checkNodeNext = head.NextNode;
while (checkNodeNext != null)
if (checkNodeNext.Equals(nodeToDelete))
checkNode.NextNode = checkNodeNext.NextNode;
checkNodeNext = null;
returnFlag = true;
return returnFlag;
public void Print()
Node firstNode = head;
while (firstNode != null)
Console.Write(firstNode.DataValue + " ");
firstNode = firstNode.NextNode;
public void Clear()
Node checkNode = head;
Node checkNodeNext;
while (checkNode != null)
checkNodeNext = checkNode.NextNode;
checkNode = null;
checkNode = checkNodeNext;
public class Node
private int dataValue;
private Node nextNode = null;
public Node(int data)
dataValue = data;
public Node NextNode
return nextNode;
nextNode = value;
public int DataValue
return dataValue;
dataValue = value;